Monday, 16 September 2013

Can You Automate The Creation of Website Content?

Everybody knows that you need good quality content for your website. If you want the search engines to find your website you need to have unique content. In recent times many lazy webmasters have tried to fool engines by just scraping content from existing sites - or random fragments of other people's articles. Others prefer the use of entire articles from free article directories to fill their sites. Many times you see sites that are solely made up of articles by other people - poorly organized - some of them partly rewritten. While this may attract search engines there are two main problems:

1. The duplicate content penalty - this means that the engines in most cases will detect duplicate copies of content and devaluate most of them.
2. The user experience. If a user comes to your site - which is what you want I suppose - they are presented with a collection of random articles but cannot see anything of unique value.

The first point is obvious. Experts have indicated recently that around 60% of duplicate content is detected by the search engine algorithms. The one that would count for a search will be the one with the highest page rank - no matter if it has been there first or not. This means a copy may rank well while the original gets devalued. Search engines don't care who wrote something first. The only thing they care about is relevance.

The second point is a little harder to understand for most people. A poor user experience may result in users to never come back to your site. Some webmasters don't even care about their visitors. But think a moment: What is a visitor? Think of your own home. How do you treat a visitor? If somebody comes to visit you - would you offer reused or rotten food - or a warm beer? I am sure you won't. So now think of your website as some extension of your home and your personality. People want to see, read and feel a certain personal touch when visiting your site. If your site reads and feels like all others they'll be gone in an instance.

The problem with using automated tools to artificially generate masses of content is that you produce zombies without a soul. And people can sense that when reading.

Now this does not mean that you cannot use smart software to assist you in producing great content or modifying existing one. In fact all journalists use tools like thesauruses and others. They have to produce articles all the time under tremendous pressure with little or no time.
The crucial thing is that you need to have something to start with, a good idea, a great concept - a core 20% and then you may use software to assist you.

Ever tried the synonyms feature in your word processor? (Just right-click on a word and select synonyms). Now this is a very simple approach. You don't make a text unique just by replacing words. Just go a check any article you find on the web using copyscape. They find even slightly modified content all over. You'll soon find that there are not many really unique articles on the web. Almost anything has already been reused in one way or the other. Is that bad? No, as long as you keep the user in mind who will hopefully read your article.

The best strategy is to write your own content - because it has your unique voice in it. Then use software tools such as website content wizard to support you by applying a phrase based thesaurus - replacing blocks of generic phrases and so on. This is the point: software should support - not replace your creativity.

So while software can be of great help in generating good unique content for your website, always keep in mind the reader who will have to eat what you prepared. Before you press any submit or upload button, always ask yourself: Would I want to read what I just produced?

Software such as Website Content Wizard can support authors in producing unique quality content: Go to Website Content Wizard [] to see a free video demonstration this authoring tool.


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